Day 10


Hey, it’s been a while since I have touched base with everyone so I thought it was about time. So, let’s see.  It’s been 10 days that I have been on this 28-day detox.  Let’s go over the feelings that I have felt since starting this adventure: hunger, frustration, excitement, anger, hunger, fear, doubt, hunger, curiosity, fatigue, depression, AND hunger.  I know I put hunger in there quite a bit but it’s true.  “The protein shakes keep you full,” they say.  “The shakes are so good,” they say.  “I’m so full after a shake,” they say.  Bull malarkey! Who are they? All those other people who don’t tell the truth about what a detox is.  Yes, I am full after the shake but that is oh so temporary.  It’s just that my dame stomach is so stretched out that an 8 oz shake can’t fill it up no matter how much almond butter is in there. 

BUT, I have to tell you it HAS gotten a little bit better.  We make different shakes now. There is one shake recipe that is really good, the almond joy one.  It actually tastes okay. It helped give my shake a little je ne sais quoi. It only took me 30 minutes to drink my shake instead of 2 hours!! YAY ME! It’s just taking some time to get used to. The shakes are just different and I had never had them before so the almond joy one is good. 

For the last couple of days, I have been eating two meals, lunch and dinner.  I usually nap during lunch and I’ll be honest. I don’t want to take my time blending a shake up.  So, I took the hardcore route.  I just put it in a cup and shook me a shake! It wasn’t half bad.  I added some lemon extract and some coconut extract and it was yummy. 

The fact that I have been able to cook a little bit has made a big difference.  I made oven fried chicken the other day with gluten free bread crumbs and brown rice flour. Just the hint of fried made my day better.  The chicken was skinless so it was different but still good.

Tonight I made chili from the recipe that they gave us on Facebook.  It was delish! I made two batches, one with turkey meat and one with lean, lean ground beef. You can guess which one I ate.  You guessed it. My only ground beef in 10 days.  Hell yeah, I ate that beef. It was super good.  Eggs and red potatoes have become my friend.  It takes more time to do all this prep but the outcome is good.

Everyone keeps saying that you save so much money eating this way because you are not eating out and eating fast food. I haven’t seen that part yet. I am spending more money on gluten free, brown rice, sugar free stuff that my head is spinning. To me it’s pricy but I made the commitment. See, I’m committed to the whole 28 days now. 

Oh yes, and the herbal tea is pretty damn good. I hadn’t been drinking it but I finally had some the other day with some coconut sugar and a little hazelnut agave nectar.  It’s one of the best things on this detox! I can’t believe I waited 8 days to try it. 

This detox has not been easy on my family. My grouchiness has seeped into the walls of our home and almost overran the place, but thank God it’s getting better.  I kept complaining about how it was oh so hard for me on this detox instead of just putting my big girl panties on and sucking it up; and believe me they are big girl panties. That’s why I’m doing a detox! Somewhere in these 10 days, things have started to mentally shift for me. I am normally a girl who sees the glass as half full but the detox was so challenging for me that the glass was half empty.  The shift in my thinking has begun and now my glass is filling again. 

I am grateful.

Day 5


Hey Folks,

Sorry I have been incognito for a couple of days.  Life happened.  So let me catch you up.  I totally did not care yesterday and opened a strawberry soda and took two big gulps before my girlfriend gave me the look. You know the one that made me feel like an epic loser so I poured it out and then got mad at her for trying to hold me accountable.  Yep, that’s me. Hypocrite to no end. I also at Panda Express black pepper chicken and justified it because it’s only 200 calories. I just could NOT do one more shake, one more piece of baked chicken and just more of nothing. I gotta tell you that Panda was tres bien and I am not sure I feel all that guilty about it yet. 

So yes, I had an “F” it all day yesterday but I am back on the bandwagon. I am hoping that this is the last time, but I live my life on emotions that I just try not to show people.  So today is a new day.  I have a renewed commitment and I don’t want the look, so I will do what I need to do.  Whatever motivates you, right?

We finally got to go to the grocery store last night and I am hoping that will make the difference. We (remember there are 3 of us in my house doing this thing) finally got to buy things to cook and season with that should make things more pleasing to the palate so I woke up more encouraged.  I got up today and made my protein shake with ½ vanilla and ½ chocolate.  Then I added some frozen mixed berries: strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.  It actually tasted a little better. It’s either that or just the fact that I am on day 5 and just getting more used to the taste of the protein shakes.  So the protein shake wasn’t bad and the berries added a little bit of flavor which helped.

Did I tell you I have this “thing” I do when I drink my shakes? I have one of those mini blenders where you make the shake in your cup when it’s all done. So anyway, to help me drink my shake I take 5 quick sips and gulp.  I wait a bit, then take 5 quick sips and gulp.  Silly but it helps me drink the shake faster than just one sip at a time. The first day took a couple of hours and I am trying to get my shake drinking to about half an hour. 

Did I also tell you that the fiber boost is not really helping me right now? They say for some it gets bad before it gets better with the fiber boost.  Well, mine just got bad so I’m hoping it gets better soon.

Today I had a shake for breakfast and for lunch. For dinner I cooked: green beans; sautéed shrimp (from the 28 day Face book page), and seasoned red potatoes.  It was da bomb!! It was good, tasty and filling.  It was worth having the shake at lunch so that I could have a good dinner.  It makes me kind of excited to see what we can make tomorrow. But that shrimp was so damn good, I have no compunction about eating the same thing tomorrow. 

So, all things considered, today was MUCH, MUCH better than yesterday.  So for me, today was a success.



Day 2


Let me tell you how Detox Day 2 was. I was hungry.  I don’t know if EVERYONE doing the Arbonne detox just doesn’t want to tell the truth or if they are in denial and don’t even know what the truth is.  Everyone says that the shakes taste just like a regular chocolate or vanilla shake.  LIE, LIE, LIE!  What they taste like is a protein shake that taste better than any other shake out there.  Now THAT’s the truth or does everyone just talk themselves into believing that the shakes taste great?!?!? It is definitely an acquired taste just like my daughter said. So, I’m sticking it out.  I did discover that I don’t like mine extra thick, though. The first two shakes I had had a lot of ice in them and they were so thick for me that it was hard for me to get them down.  Today, I only put in three cubes of ice and it had the consistency of an actual shake which was much easier for me to drink.  It is all a matter of preference.  I also used the unsweetened coconut milk today as well and I think I like that one better but I’m not 100% sure.  Later this week we will make two shakes, one with almond milk and one with coconut milk so we can taste test them.  We don’t grocery shopping until this Saturday so I have a few days to decide.  I at some tuna and it was just so dry. I had tuna in water with a boiled egg some salt and pepper. So I added to teaspoons of mayonnaise.  Yep, I did it.  I know but for me this is still progress. I didn’t go for fast food, chips, cookies or a soda. TWO teaspoons of mayonnaise with olive oil no less! In my defense, I did it for the safety and well-being of the other members of my household because if I didn’t get something with some flavor today there might have been some casualties.  It’s only day two so I can try again tomorrow, no mayo.  I have 26 more days to go.  So I’m close to beating my own prediction! My kid bought some fresh salsa and some almond butter. The almond butter wasn’t half bad.  I can’t wait to put some salsa on my chicken for lunch tomorrow.  Some moisture! That’s all I’m asking.  So we will see what tomorrow brings.  Remind me to tell you about my fiasco trying to make a shake all by myself tomorrow. I forgot all about that.  I tried to make a shake by myself today. Total disaster! But alas, it is late and I have to earn a living.  Good night folks.

Day 1


2:00 PM

 I have never done a blog before so I am not sure about proper ‘blogging protocol.’ I don’t know if I am supposed to tell you all the great things about this detox experience. What I can and will tell you is my truth as I see it.  Everyone makes a detox or a cleanse sound so great and so wonderful. They forget to tell you about all of the in between stages.  You know that part where you are hungry and want orange juice or chocolate milk instead of a protein shake.   

 Okay folks, so it’s day one of this detox.  Let me tell you how it’s going so far.  I woke up hoping it WASN’T day 1 because I woke up dreaming of bacon.  Then reality hit me and I realized all I get for breakfast is a damn shake! I woke up to my mom cooking grits with butter and sugar and remembered that they weren’t for me. So this is going to be much harder than I originally thought.

 So for breakfast I had a chocolate protein shake with some fiber boost in it.  It did not taste like the chocolate shake at Sonic much to my chagrin. It tasted, well…different.  It was definitely doable.  It just takes some getting used to.  I am so closed minded sometimes that I tell myself I don’t like something just because I have never had it before.  So the protein shake is something different.  Like I said it wasn’t bad, just different.  It took me two hours to drink on it so that took care of me snacking in between meals!

 For lunch I had a baked chicken breast, brown rice and green beans. It actually made me pretty full. I have never had brown rice before. Not my favorite but I can eat it. I think the trick for me doing this detox is going to be about finding healthy foods that I can actually eat. For example, I do not eat kale so that is just not an option for me.  I never knew I liked brown rice but I was willing to try it and it wasn’t half bad.  I think as the days go on, I am going to like those shakes even more. So, it’s about finding what works so I don’t feel like I’m in a rut.  We are already talking about making fried rice with the brown rice, eggs and some veggies, so I am excited about that. I still want to feel somewhat normal.   My goal is to learn how to do this thing long term feasibly.  So, lunch was doable.  I’ll be having a shake for dinner and I have eaten a few almonds for a snack because I was a little hungry.

 WAIT! I just forgot. I LOVE YOU ARBONNE! They also gave us these fabulous candy chews for when we are hungry and have a sweet tooth.  I am going to eat one right now. It is a caramel chew that helps with the sweet craving and also curbs the appetite a little.  Maybe I will survive.


4:37 PM

I am hungry! Hungry, hungry, hungry! I ate a chew and it did help for a little bit. But that was two hours ago.  Now I want to suck my thumb just to get a little flavor. I keep sucking the back of my throat to get a little more flavor from that chew I had earlier.  I just ate my other chew so I think that it will satiate me for a little longer.  So I called my girl and asked her if we could eat eggs. She said yes. I said, “Well, fry one, boil one but have one ready when I walk through the door because I am HUGNRY!” I don’t know if it’s supposed to be part of my meal or a snack but I am eating an egg and a shake when I get home.

 Don’t judge me.

 Progress not perfection.


7:50 PM

Okay, so my dinner was a protein shake and a boiled egg.  The boiled egg was heaven! I never knew I liked boiled eggs so much! I’m sure I don’t but today I did.  So, apparently green does not taste so bad when it’s all mixed up in a blender. I had a chocolate shake mixed with some oats, some digestion plus and some spinach.  I was already forewarned that the digestion plus tastes horrible by itself so I took heed and added to the protein shake. I will take it in the morning from now on but I didn’t want to start the day with something nasty tasting. So the only thing left is to finish my shake which will take about another hour.  My daughter says any protein shake is an acquired taste, even Arbonne.  Before I go to bed I will have a cup of detox tea.

 All in all I’d say my first day was a raving success!


Arbonne Shake Recipes



Arbonne Protein Shake Recipes




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost

+Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened or Vanilla Almond Milk + Ice

• ¼ Cup unsweetened Applesauce

• 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

• ¾ Tsp cinnamon




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost

+Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Coconut Milk + Ice

• Couple of shakes of Pumpkin Pie Spice

• One shake of Nutmeg

• Dash of Pure Vanilla Extract

• 1 Tsp Cinnamon or more




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ¼ Cup Canned Pumpkin

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond Milk + Ice

• Pumpkin Pie spice & Stevia to taste

• 1 Tbsp Pecans or Almonds




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla, Chocolate Almond or Coconut Milk + Ice

• 1 Tbsp Slivered or Sliced Raw Almonds




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 3 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla Almond or Coconut Milk

• 1 Cup of Brewed Decaf Chai Tea + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 1 cup cooked, chopped Carrots

• 1 Tbsp Walnuts

• 1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice + Cinnamon

• 1 cup of Water + 1 cup Almond milk + Ice


PEANUT BUTTER (Add ½ Banana to Jazz it Up)


• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Chocolate or Vanilla Protein Powder

• 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond Milk

• 1 Tbsp Smucker’s Natural Creamy Peanut Butter or use Almond Butter

• 1 Scoop non-fat Frozen Yogurt or just ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla Coconut or Almond Milk + Ice

• 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

• ½ Tsp Coconut Extract




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond Coconut Milk + Ice

• 1 Tsp Cinnamon

• Splash of Vanilla Extract




• 1 Scoop Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder

• 1 Scoop Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder

• 1 scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cup Coffee

• 1 Cup ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond or Coconut Milk + Ice

• 1 Medium Banana




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Medium Banana

• 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

• 1 Tsp Ground Flax Seed

• 8 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk or Water + Ice

• ¼ Tsp Natural Mint Extract




• 1 Scoop Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Essentials

Chocolate Protein Powder

• 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond Milk + Ice

• Pumpkin Pie Spice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla, Chocolate Almond or Coconut Milk + Ice

• 1 Tbsp of Almond Butter

• 1 Tsp Instant Decaf Coffee Crystals




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla or Chocolate Almond or Coconut Milk

• ¼ Cup of Unsweetened, Shredded Coconut in the blender with Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 9 oz. Water + Ice

• 1 ½ – 2 Handfuls of Fresh Spinach

• 6-8 Hazelnuts




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened Chocolate Almond or Coconut Milk + Ice

• ¾ Tsp Flax Oil

• Pinch of Unsweetened Cocoa Nibs

• 1 Tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk

• Pinch Unsweetened Cocoa Nibs

• 1 Tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Cup Dark Cherries (NOT Maraschino!)

• 8 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber


• 8 oz. Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk + Ice

• 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

•¾ tsp Cinnamon




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cup Coconut Milk

• ½ Cup Frozen Mixed Berries + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• Splash of Pure Cranberry Juice

• Handful of Strawberries and Raspberries (fresh or frozen)

• 8 oz. of Unsweetened, Vanilla Coconut or Almond Milk + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cup Blueberries

• ¼ Cup Strawberries

• ¼ Cup Blackberries

• 1 Medium Carrot

• 8 oz. Unsweetened, Vanilla Coconut or Almond Milk

• ½-1 Cup Pomegranate Juice (Cranberry is an okay substitute) + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ¼ Cup Coconut Milk + ½ cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

• 8 oz Water + Ice

• 1 Tbsp of Almond Butter

• ¼ Cup frozen or fresh Berries

• (optional: a pinch or two of Unsweetened Coconut Shavings)




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk

• 1 Cup Berries and ½ Banana

• 1 Scoop non-fat Frozen Yogurt, Low-Sugar Sorbet or just Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ¼ Cup Coconut Milk

• ½ Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk. Add ice

• 1 Tbsp Almond Butter

• 1 Arbonne Pomegranate fizzy stick, in ½ Cup of Water

• ½ Cup Blackberries, Unsweetened




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ¼ Cup Coconut Milk or Unsweetened Almond Milk + Ice

• ½ Cup of Water

• 1-2 Tsp of Stevia

• ½ a Lemon/Lime, peeled and sliced (*May add a few rind shavings for zing or use 1-2 Tbsp

Fresh Lemon/Lime Juice)




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Peeled Lime and ½ Banana

• 1 Bunch Spinach

• 8 oz water + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost

+ Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• Handful of Sliced Kiwis

• Juice of 2 Lime Wedges (to intensify flavor, add lime zest)

• ¼ Cup Unsweetened, Vanilla Coconut or Almond Milk + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 8 oz. Unsweetened or Vanilla Coconut Milk

• 1 Cup of Fresh Pineapple (pineapple juice will do in a pinch)

• 1 Tsp. Coconut Extract

• ¼ Cup of Unsweetened, Shredded Coconut in the blender with Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cup Water + ½ Cup Coconut Milk + Ice

• ½ Avocado




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 4 oz. Water

• 6 Cherries

• ¼ Cup Fresh Pineapple chunks + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 1 Small Orange + 1 Cup Cubed Cantaloupe

• 3 Basil Leaves

• 8 oz Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 Scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 4 oz. Unsweetened or Vanilla Almond Milk

• 4 oz. Orange Juice

• 1 Scoop low sugar Orange Sorbet




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cooked Sweet Potato

• ½ Pear

• Pinch of Orange Zest

• 8 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• 3 oz. Coconut Milk + 4 oz. Water + Ice

• ½ Cup Frozen Peaches




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Peeled Kiwi, ½ Peeled Mango, ½ Cup Fresh Pineapple Chunks

• 4 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Lime, ½ cup Papaya Chunks, ½ Golden Passion Fruit

• 8 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops of Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Daily Fiber

Boost + Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• Lightly Steamed Veggies: ½ Carrot, 2 Broccoli Florets, Handful Fresh Spinach

• ½ Apple, Slice + ½ Small Orange, Peeled

• 8 oz. Water + Ice




• 2 Scoops Arbonne Essentials Vanilla Protein Powder + 1 scoop Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost +

Arbonne Digestion Plus Packet

• ½ Cup or more of Chopped Spinach

• 1 Packet or serving of Wheat Grass Powder

• 8 oz. of Almond Vanilla Milk

• 1 Green Apple, chopped in small pieces

“Avoid List”



                                                              “AVOID LIST”



 Dairy

 Gluten

 Soy

 Peanuts & Peanut Butter  

 Sugar, Honey, Maple Syrup

 Artificial Sweeteners

 Coffee

 Alcohol

 All Fruit EXCEPT limes,   lemons green apples & berries

 Pork

 Farm-raised fish                                                      

 Non Cage-Free Eggs

 Non Free-Range Chicken

 All Beef, other than grass   fed

 White Potatoes

 Corn

 Nitrates


 Vinegar





 Almond, Coconut & Flax   Milk

 Brown Rice

 Raw Almonds

 Almond Butter

 Coconut Sugar

 Stevia, Xylitol

 Green & Herb Teas

 Non Starchy Vegetables

 Organic green apples &   berries

 Cage-Free Eggs

 Wild-caught Cold Water Fish   (limit to 1x per week)

 Free-Range Chicken and   Turkey

 Grass fed Beef (limit to 1x   per week)

 Sweet Potatoes, Yams,   Turnips

 Legumes

 Avocado

 Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil,   Coconut Oil, Flaxseed Oil



Let’s Begin


Hello all.  My name is Tanya. I am about to embark on my first ever detox adventure. First let me tell you a little bit about myself.  My idea of doing a detox is dumping out the last five sips of my soda or throwing away the last half of my french fries at lunch time.  Doing a detox goes against everything I hold near and dear to my heart, food! I love food.  Good, home, greasy, artery clogging, make you keel over from a heart attack food! So when I decided to embark on this journey, I honestly don’t know what the hell got into me.  Yes, I do. For about 4.5 seconds I thought I had a moment of clarity and I wanted to do something different with my life and live a little bit healthier.  Honestly, I am not yet sure if I have regretted the decision yet because the detox doesn’t start until tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted on that.

So, the good thing is that I will not be doing this alone.  There are two other members in my household who will also be doing the detox with me.  They are my daughter and my girlfriend.  We will also be part of a closed Facebook site that helps with inspirational sayings, recipes, the dos and don’ts and other various things.  Do: eat healthy, eat green and cage free. CAGE FREE?!?!? Yeah, I had to Google that one too.  Don’t: eat fatty foods, butter, and sugar, dairy or pretty much anything that makes your heart sing.  It’s supposed to be about cleansing out your system and losing a few pounds may be a positive by product as a result.  My girlfriend is one of the other people doing the detox along with my daughter and they already love to eat green and healthy.  They were ecstatic to learn that they could eat red beans, kale and avocado. I, on the other hand, wanted to know if we could put a ham hock in those beans.  Oh yes and no mayonnaise either. I asked if there was a product called, “I can’t believe it’s not mayonnaise.” Unfortunately, I was told that there was not.

So, thankfully my girlfriend and my daughter live with me and they are full force ahead for this 28-day detox. I am personally thinking I might make mine a 2-day detox but they keep encouraging me to try the whole 28 days.  Their enthusiasm is slowly creeping its way over into my soul and I must say that I want to make the full 28 days just so I can say I did it. I don’t want to be a quitter.  So, I have decided that I am really going to try my hardest. But I gotta tell you, I don’t do veggies, I’m not a real fan of protein shakes and I just want some fried chicken! But I have tried all of the Arbonne products that we will be using and they actually taste pretty good, even the shakes. It’s just the negative forces out there trying to bring me down so I have to work twice as hard not to let that happen. I will, I will, I WILL succeed and learn to love GREEN!

Soooo let me tell you about my last few days before this detox. One of the things that you must know about me is that I love, love, LOVE chicken.  Tanya is to chicken as Forrest Gump is to shrimp. I liked baked chicken, fried chicken, BBQ chicken, broiled chicken and so on and so on and so on. But fried chicken is my absolute favorite.  So about three days ago, I fried three packs of chicken for the house so I could eat fried chicken for two days. Yeah, my family jive like looked at me like I was crazy and I will tell you like I told them. “Don’t judge me!”

So for the last three days I have eaten fried chicken, bacon, chips, milkshakes, cookies, Red Lobster with extra butter on my lobster and crab and then some. I figured if I was going to do a cleanse that I was going to give the cleansing products something work with and my body some fat to store for the long haul.  Faulty thinking I know but it sure tasted good in the process.  So, here I am just a few hours until the detox starts and my girlfriend said she was going to do a blog and of course, that sounded like fun so I wanted to jump on her bandwagon. I always jump on the fun stuff after she does all the hard work.

All jokes aside, I really do hope to learn some self-discipline and some things about myself that I have not learned before.  So here I sit sharing some of my journey with you. I hope you enjoy and get something out this.